hanging The World by Arts, Education, and Entertainment through the Humanities


The world is changing, and business needs to change with it. America moved away from a skill-based and manufacturing-based economy to a service-oriented economy where the college graduate is challenged to and a job. Big factories and mass production moved to countries with lax environmental and safety regulations, low wages, and no welfare net. American patents and copyrights can no longer protect us from industrial thieves. Music is digitalized.

We must maintain a manufacturing base in this nation. We find ourselves on the verge of losing the infrastructure and know-how to produce a product. I propose we make labor cheap by giving tax credits for manufacturing jobs/salaries. I propose that we focus higher education on manufacturing skills instead of the increasingly futile liberal arts education. Until then, I propose that we bring it home to Nashville. This city boasts a wealth of musicians, graphic artists, videographers, designers, poets, songwriters, luthiers, music engineers, producers, marketers, music executives, journalists, MBAs, and thousands of underemployed university graduates. Our organization brings together these people to collaborate, create, design, and market our fashions and accessories, all under one roof. We plan to analyze demographics and to identify trends and start trends.

The vision is of a business, under one roof, where designers, promoters, executives join with labor to better understand production and where executives and laborers alike own a stake in the profit. We believe this business model can be used in communities across the country. After all, the made with love in America tag is widely coveted but increasingly difficult to find. We anticipate local, national and international markets for quality made in America products. As big music and video companies lose market share, our music and video production facility will be poised to court an increasingly diverse audience, unfettered by big-label politics.


Today's crisis in Media is having an impact on students today. With new technology creating broken models and mainstream corporate structures not designed for experimentation, fewer opportunities are created. Job loss has become so significant it's having an impact on the next generation of potential journalists. As students graduate and complete training for the media sector, they are introduced to an industry filled with lost hope and no opportunity.


""To much free content that will compete with paid content."
"The consumers have changed the way they purchase media, and we haven't changed our model enough." Joe Galante - Former Sony Music President
"The biggest challenge facing the industry is what he calls "An Imagination Deficit" Raju Narisetti -Washington Post


Realizing Entertainment as Life was created to promote real solutions for the future by creating an experienced-based entertainment model that promotes local awareness through local colleges, agencies, and institutions. After students finish training, REAL Corp creates a work environment that will utilize the talent. By creating this system, we will manufacture and distribute quality products at a cost lower than the market value based on today's trends to create revenue. We will build bridges to create jobs for the local economy, allowing each entrepreneur licensing in their product allowing more opportunities to earn revenue. This currently will be created as a prototype, after R&D will be replicated for a nationwide approach to entertainment.